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What is Firm Foundations of Greensboro?


Firm Foundations of Greensboro is a homeschool tutorial program that meets once per week for 28 weeks.


When and where does Firm Foundations meet?


Firm Foundations meets on Mondays from 9:00am-2:00pm at Mount Pisgah Methodist Church.   Mount Pisgah is located at 2600 Pisgah Church Road, Greensboro, NC.   We will begin meeting in Mid-August, 2025.    


What is Firm Foundations's mission statement?


Our mission is to provide a supportive and enriching environment, rooted in the Christian faith, where families come together to foster academic excellence and build meaningful community connections.


What ages and grades does Firm Foundations offer tutorial classes for?


We offer classes for preschool (ages 2/3 and 4/5), Kindergarten and all the way through to 12th grade. 


How much does it cost to attend Firm Foundations of Greensboro?


Firm Foundations charges a $140 family registration fee as well as a $100 facility and administrative fee.   

The class prices are set by the individual tutors and the prices can vary greatly depending on the age of students, the amount of planning required, the difficulty of the course and the amount of materials the tutor needs to purchase.   For example, a preschool class for a 2/3 year old might cost $175, while a highschool lab science class, such as Biology or Chemistry, may run as high as $425.  

Parents will pay the class fees directly to the tutor through our website. 


Can I drop my child off at Firm Foundations?


That depends.   All students who are in 7th grade/12 years old or below must have a parent remain on campus.   There is no drop-off service for those ages.  Students who are in 8th grade or above and are at least 13 years old, may be dropped off by their parents.   Drop off is no earlier than 5 minutes before the beginning of their first class.  Pick up is within 5 minutes of the end of their last class. 


What does Firm Foundations offer parents?


For those parents who are required to stay on campus, there are a variety of options to fill your time.    For working parents, there is a quiet room set up for your use.   We also provide parent classes such as Bible Study, Prayer Group, Book Club, Fitness, etc.   There are also plenty of seating areas for parents to use if they want to relax, chat or have a moment of peace.   For anyone who is interested in volunteering, we can always use some extra help in some of the ps/elementary age classes.  




Is Firm Foundations of Greensboro a semester long program or a year long program?


Firm Foundations of Greensboro will operate on a year-long schedule.  Generally speaking, classes will begin in mid-August and finish up at the end of April each year. 


When does registration begin?


Registration for the 2025/26 school year will begin in early to mid-March.


What types of classes will be offered?


Firm Foundations will offer core and elective classes for all grades.     This includes Language Arts, Math, History and Science as well as a variety of electives that will include music, art, PE, etc.    

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